
洞庭湖区农业生产格局及措施对农田害鼠种群数量的影响研究 被引量:6

Influence of agricultural productive structure and countermeasures on the rodent population density of the farmland in Dongting Lake area.
摘要 研究洞庭湖区农业生产格局及措施对农田害鼠种群数量的影响结果表明 ,水稻田鼠密度高于棉花地 ,初冬稻茬地鼠密度高于油菜地 ,开春后油菜地鼠密度高于稻茬地 ;无酚棉田鼠密度高于有酚棉田 ,田埂硬化农田鼠密度显著低于未硬化田埂农田。早稻播种、双抢和晚稻收割等全局性农事活动可改变生境导致鼠迁移扩散而对农田害鼠种群数量变化产生一定影响 ,且因地区和鼠种而异 ,但受农田害鼠自身繁殖特性制约而对总鼠密度的影响呈不明显差异。 The influence of agricultural productive structure and countermeasures on the rodent population density of the farmlands in Dongting Lake area is stud ied.The results show that the population density of rodent in paddy field is hig her than that in cotton land;and its population density in harvested paddy field is higher than that in rape land in the first month of winter,but the populatio n density of rodent in rape land is higher than that in harvested paddy field in the beginning of spring;the population density of rodent in the non- phenol cott on field is higher than that in the phenol cotton field,the population density o f rodent in the field with hardened ridge is lower than that in the field with u nhardened ridge.The agricultural productive activities,i.e.the early rice seedin g,seeding and harvesting in time,the later rice harvesting,may cause the migrati o n of rodents owing to the change of the habitats,while the influence on rodent p opulation density is restricted by it propagating characteristics,so the populat ion density of rodent is not affected markedly by the main agricultural producti ve activities in the farmland.
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第1期148-151,共4页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (KZCX2 SW 415 )资助
关键词 洞庭湖区 农业生产格局 农业生产措施 农田害鼠 种群数量 Agricultural production,Structure,Activity countermeasures,Rodent
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