广域测量系统的迅速发展和广泛应用为大电网电压稳定性的在线监测奠定了基础。在某一时间断面上将系统中的一条支路看作一个单负荷无穷大系统,在此基础上研究了一种基于量测数据的在线电压稳定指标。利用同步测量的母线电压相量、支路潮流等电气量,经过简单的在线计算,得到被监测支路的电压稳定指标。将系统所有支路电压稳定指标的最大值作为该系统的电压稳定指标,所对应的支路为最弱支路。系统电压稳定指标与临界值 1 之间的距离反映了系统的电压稳定裕度。如果系统电压稳定指标趋近 1,则表明系统临近电压崩溃点。在 EPRI-36 节点系统上的仿真结果验证了该指标的有效性,及将该指标用于电力系统的在线电压稳定监测的可行性。
The rapid development and wide applications of Wide-Area Measurement System (WAMS) provide great potential for online assessment of voltage stability in large-scale power systems. An on-line voltage stability index, LVSI, has been proposed in this paper, which is defined as a function of measurements of WAMS. For any transmission line at a certain time point, LVSI is constructed based on the model of Π equivalent connecting with an infinite voltage source and a load, and calculated by measured bus voltage phasor, power flow and other related quantities. The maximum value of the all LVSI can be considered as the voltage stability index of the system. Correspondingly, the line with maximum LVSI is called the weakest line. The distance between LVSI and the critical value of 1 denotes the margin of voltage stability. And if the system is being deteriorated towards voltage collapse, the LVSI of the weakest line will approach to 1. Simulation results of the EPRI 36-bus system show the validity of the index, and the availability of the index used for real-time monitoring of power system voltage stability.
Proceedings of the CSEE