
从劝导到禁罚:清季四川反缠足努力述略 被引量:20

From Persuasion to Punishment:A Brief Account of the Anti Foot Binding Movement in the Qing Dynasty
摘要 以往的研究多将清季的不缠足运动视为民间的活动 ,而忽视了官方的努力。从清季四川的反缠足进程看 ,民间活动与官方努力二者不可偏废 ,特别是官方参与后反缠足方式从劝导发展到禁罚 ,意义尤为重要。在对近代四川反缠足运动的历史进程进行重建时 ,也可看出清季官绅权力的调适与再分配的一些面相 。 In earlier studies on the anti foot binding movement in the Qing dynasty it is usually treated as a civilian movement, and the efforts made by the government are ignored. From the history of the movement, we can see that both civilian and government efforts were important, and neither was negligible. It is important to note that after the government participated in the movement, the method used to promote the movement changed from persuasion to punishment. In the reconstruction of the history of the movement in Sichuan, we can see the adjustments and redistribution of power among officials and the gentry, and the way that punishment influenced the movement during the Republican period.
作者 杨兴梅
机构地区 四川大学历史系
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第6期80-95,共16页 Historical Research
基金 北美基督教联合基金会亚洲高教基金资助
关键词 反缠足 近代四川 妇女运动 清末新政 官绅关系 anti foot binding movement Sichuan womens movement new policies in the late Qing relations between officials and the gentry
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