Based on the shaking table test of two perspex model that the scale factor of geometry is 2.0, the similitude laws between the prototype and the model for dynamic structural model test have been validated. The similitude laws include elasticity similitude law and elasticity-gravity law. The conclusions are (1) The scale factor of frequency between large and small perspex model test accord with similitude law basically. The error of primary frequency is 2.7% or 4.1%, the error of the second frequency is 0 or 6.05%. The elasticity similitude law is better than elasticity-gravity law for predict the prototype frequency form model test result. (2) The scale factors of accelerations and strains also accord with similitude law basically. Using elasticity similitude law, the errors of acceleration is form 1.55% to 8.75%, the strain errors is form 0.377% to 7.297%. Using elasticity-gravity similitude law, the acceleration errors is form 3.07% to 4.158%, the strain errors is form 6.849% to 12.959%. (3) The acceleration history and strain history between large and small model accord with scale factor of time completely in either elasticity similitude law or elasticity-gravity law. The peaks and vales of the both histories agree with each other.
World Earthquake Engineering