目的 了解西北农村贫困地区育龄妇女滴虫性阴道炎感染现状及其相关因素 ,确定危险因素。方法采用多级整群抽样方法 ,在陕西省宝鸡地区抽取已婚育龄妇女 4 80例进行问卷调查、妇科检查和实验室检查 ,采用病例对照研究分析滴虫性阴道炎及相关生殖道感染的危险因素。结果 滴虫性阴道炎患病率为 12 .9% ,其中 6 4 .5 %并发慢性宫颈炎 ,17.7%并发附件炎。经单因素分析及多因素 L ogistic回归分析 ,农村育龄妇女患滴虫性阴道炎及并发慢性宫颈炎或附件炎的危险因素包括 :生殖健康知识缺乏、不洁水洗澡、本人或其丈夫同房前用不洁水洗外阴、经期性生活、既往滴虫病史、本人无经济来源、生病时丈夫态度消极 ;且随着生殖健康知识积分的逐渐减少 ,患滴虫性阴道炎并发慢性宫颈炎的危险性相对增大。结论 在西北贫困地区 ,对滴虫性阴道炎应采取综合性、连续性防治措施进行控制 ,重点应放在改善夫妇不洁卫生习惯、规范治疗、生殖健康知识的普及。
Objective To investigate the status and relative factors of trichomonal vaginitis among married childbearing age women in rural impoverished area of the northwestern part of China and hence identify the risk factors and provide a basis for the prevention and treatment of trichomonal vaginitis. Methods Questionnaire investigation, gynecological and laboratory examination were carried out in 480 women who had been selected by multi-stage cluster sampling in rural impoverished area of Bao Ji in ShannXi province. A case-control study was conducted to analyze the relative factors of trichomonal vaginitis and other reproductive tract infection (RTI) complications. Results The prevalence rate of trichomonal vaginitis was 12.9%, and 64.5% of the cases were complicated with chronic cervicitis, 17.7% were complicated with adnexitis. Uni-variated and multi-variated logistic regression analyses revealed that lack of reproductive health knowledge, bath with polluted water, washing vulva or penis with polluted water before sexual intercourse, having intercourse during menstrual period, having past history of trichomonal vaginitis, as well as no-income woman's and husband's negative attitude towards wife's RTIs were risk factors of trichomonal vaginitis and complicating chronic cervicitis or adnexitis. And lack of reproductive health knowledge, bath with polluted water, washing penis with polluted water before sexual intercourse, past history of trichomonal vaginitis, husband's negative attitude to wife's RTIs were relative factors of trichomonal vaginitis and complicating chronic cervicitis or adnexitis revealed by the binary logistic regression analysis. The less score of reproductive health knowledge, the more risk of suffering from trichomonal vaginitis complicating chronic cervicitis. Conclusion Compositive and successive prevention and treatment scheme should be used to control trichomonal vaginitis and other RTI complications in rural impoverished area of northwestern China. The scheme should be focused on four ways, including improving sanitation behaviors in couples, insisting on normative treatment, generalizing reproductive health knowledge and mobilizing husbands to pay attention.
Journal of Sichuan University(Medical Sciences)
Childbearing age woman Trichomonal vaginitis Risk factor