运用辨证唯物论观点 ,对我国火灾形势的实际走向及特点、全面建小康对消防工作提出的新挑战、当前消防工作存在的主要问题及原因 ,以及发达国家在经济快速增长期火灾发展的历程等进行分析 ,提出必须充分、正确认识当前和今后一个时期我国火灾形势仍将相当严峻的客观必然性 ;同时要能动地抓住主要矛盾积极应对 ,科学规划 ,实现消防工作跨越式发展 。
Based on Marxism, analyzed the tendency and characteristics of the fire situation in China,the new challenges of ideal society construction on fire protection services,the main problems and reasons of the current fire services as well as fire development courses of the developed countries during their economic explosion period. It advocated that we should give a full and appropriate.understanding to the fact that the fire situation now and in the future in China is quite serious.We should master the main contradictions and take active measures to plan scientifically,and to control the fire within a reasonable level.
Fire Science and Technology