
虚拟维修仿真中维修动素的设计与实现 被引量:29

Design and Realization of Maintenance Therblig Model in Virtual Maintenance Simulation
摘要 针对虚拟维修仿真中人体运动以及人 -机交互作用控制复杂、效率低的问题 ,提出了一种包含维修、维修事件、维修作业、维修作业单元、维修动素的分解层次结构 ,该结构利用动素实现对虚拟仿真软件系统控制函数的封装。分析了维修仿真对动素的要求 ,给出了维修动素的分类及定义。以典型动素人的移动、抓取、使用工具等为例 ,讨论了动素设计与实现的思路和方法。以Jack软件为平台 ,采用基于动素的交互式图形编程方法 ,开发了虚拟维修仿真系统原型 。 Human motion control and human-machine interaction manipulation is generally overloaded with details in virtual maintenance simulation. To alleviate this problem, a maintenance decomposition hierarchy was presented, which consists of maintenance, maintenance event, maintenance task, elementary maintenance activity and maintenance therblig. With this hierarchy, different virtual human simulation function combination corresponded to a maintenance therblig. Therblig characteristics required by virtual maintenance simulation were analyzed, and the maintenance therbligs were classified and defined respectively. The idea and method about how to design and implement the therblig for virtual maintenance simulation were explained through tree representative therbligs, they are human_move, get and use_tool. The virtual maintenance simulation prototype system was developed with Jack software, which adopted an interactive graphic programming mode. The developed virtual maintenance system is verified through simulating disassembly process of a gear-box.
机构地区 军械工程学院
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期156-160,共5页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 5 0 0 0 5 0 2 3 )
关键词 维修 虚拟维修仿真 维修动素 动作仿真 maintenance virtual maintenance simulation maintenance therblig action simulation
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