
从体育消费关系结构谈体育产业发展模式 被引量:15

Discussion on Developing Model of Sports Industry According to Sports Consumption Structure
摘要 从体育产业消费关系结构入手,着重分析了竞技体育和群众体育产业化的供求关系状况,从宏观上提出了与群众体育相关的健身、康复和娱乐为重点优先发展,有步骤地推进全面体育产业化的模式构想。 According to the consumption structure of sports industry, the state of the relation between the supply and demand is analyzed, which contains the industrilizing sports and sports for all. The author suggests a model from the macro view of point that the boby—building, rehabilitation and recreation relating to sports for all should be emphasized and advanced progressively, then, the all—round sports industrilization would be put forward with proper steps.
作者 凌翔
出处 《上海体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第3期12-17,共6页 Journal of Shanghai University of Sport
关键词 体育产业 体育消费 发展模式 sports industry, sports consumption, athletic sports, sports for all
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