简要分析国内外对地下结构耐久性研究的现状和不足 ,指出今后研究重点和发展方向。结合上海地铁实际情况及上海一般土层地质特点 ,对地下结构耐久性尤其在有别于地面结构的影响因素方面进行详细分析。化学作用、杂散电流、结构物差异沉降、受力变化等是主要影响因素。提出了耐久性评估和使用寿命预测 ,以及耐久性试验方案。
With a brief introduction of the underground s tr uctures' durability in Chinese and foreign cities,this paper focuses on the actu al situations of Shanghai metro and the general geological features in Shanghai, analyzing the factors of the underground structures' durability,especially the d ifference between the underground & the ground structures.Finally,this paper pre sents a scheme for the evaluation of the durability and the prediction of the li fe-span of the underground structure.
Urban Mass Transit