心理疾病的逆反性规律是笔者创立的“不无自我”心理疗法的三项发现之一 ,逆反性规律是指事物具有朝着相反方向转化的规律 ,客观世界的逆反性规律 ,是因为世界的圆周运动 ,人类认识论上的逆反性规律 ,是因为主客体的对立。逆反性规律《周易》称为“逆” ,《老子》称为“反” ,中医称为“重阴必阳 ,重阳必阴” ,唯物辩证法称为“物极必反” ,是一切事物运动变化的普遍规律 ,也是中医和辩证法的思想精髓。心理疾病的逆反性规律主要体现在四个方面 :认知心理障碍的逆反性 ,应对心理事件的逆反性 ,排解心理障碍的逆反性 ,消除症状的逆反性。
The antagonism law of psychological disease is one of the three discoveries of psychological therapy 'Bu Wu Zi Wo' created by the author, The antagonism law refers to that everything may develop to its opposite direction, Objective world has antagonism law because the movement of world is circular. The cognitive theory of people has antagonism law because the subjective sensation and objective things are opposite. In Zhou Yi it is called inverse. In Lao Zi antagonism. In Chinese traditional medicine, that emphasis on Yin will induce Yang, on the contrary emphasis on Yang will induce Yin, in materialist dialectics that is to be extreme must be its opposite. The antagonism law is the common law of movements of all the things and the ideological pith of Chinese traditional medicine and materialist dialectics. The antagonism law of psychological disease mainly expresses in four aspects, the cognition of mental obstacle, the way to deal with mental incidence, the way to mediate mental obstacle the method to eliminate the syndrome.
Medicine and Philosophy
psychological disease
the antagonism law
psychological therapy “Bu Wu Zi Wo”