根据国内已有的试验资料 ,对《钢骨混凝土结构设计规程》(YB90 82— 97)和《型钢混凝土组合结构技术规程》(JGJ1 3 8— 2 0 0 1 )规定的关于型钢混凝土梁、柱及节点的受剪承载力计算公式进行比较分析 ,得出的结论是 :规程 (JGJ1 3 8— 2 0 0 1 )的公式计算型钢混凝土梁、柱的受剪承载力相对安全 ;规程 (YB90 82— 97)
Based on the existing test data,the formulas for calculating the shear-carrying capacity of steel reinforced concrete beam,column and joint,which are prescribed by Specification for design of steel reinforced concrete (YB9082—97) and Technical specification for steel reinforced concrete composite structures (JGJ138—2001),are compared.The results show that the formula prescribed by the specification (JGJ138—2001) is relatively safe for calculating the shear-carrying capacity of steel reinforced concrete beam and column, while the formula prescribed by the Specification (YB9082—97) is relatively practicable for that of steel reinforced concrete joint.
Building Structure