农地使用权流转是解决当前我国农村土地利用细碎化及撂荒的有效途径,对于提高土地利用效率、促进农业结构调整 和农民增收具有重要作用。农户是农地流转中主要的土地供给者,他们的意愿和行为直接影响农地使用权的流转。本文通过对 成都平原的调查,分析了农户非农收入、当前农地的功能、农地流转收益和农民受教育程度对农户土地流转行为的影响,以期为 加快农地流转提供决策依据。
Transfer the access of farmland is an effective way to resolve the land utilization of making the land smaller and smaller and leaving the land unused in our country. It is very important to raise the efficiency of farmland utilization, promote the agricultural structure adjustment and increase the income of the farmers. The farmers are the main provider of land in the transfer behavior , their inclination and behavior have a direct impact on the transfer of the access of the farmland. On the basis of investigation in Chengdu plain, the paper analyzes the farmer’s non-agricultural income, the current function of the farmland, the proceeds on the transfer of the land and the influence of the farmers’ educational level on transfer action, so as to provide some advices.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
farmers’ behavior
transfer of the farmland
influence factor