添加萤光素钠、656L乳化剂等的EpNPV制剂,其四号和五号配方对茶毛虫的LC_70分别为4.42×10 ̄5PIB/ml和1.75×10 ̄6PIB/ml,与同浓度病毒悬液比,毒力系数(1)分别为4.39和1.11;用五号配方5~6×10 ̄7PIB/ml可比同浓度NPV悬液提高防效11.2%,在700ha茶园应用平均防效达80%以上,经济效益1305元/ha;安全性检测表明,对人畜均安全无害。
The Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus(NPV)preparation of No. 4 and No. 5 formulae added with fluorescein sodium. 656L emulsifier for controlling the larvae of teatussock moth Euproclis pseudoconspersa was made. The contents of LC_70 in them are 4.42×10 ̄5 PIB/ml and 1.75×10 ̄6 PIB/ml. and the toxic coefficients are 4.39 and 1.11 respectively. The control effect on the larvae of tea tussock moth is improved with 11.2% by using the No. 5 preparation of 5- 6×10 ̄7 PIB/ml compared with NPV suspension at the sameconcentration. The economic benefit is 1305 yuan/ha. The determination of security showedthat the preparation is harmless for man and animal.
Entomological Journal of East China