网络思想政治教育的内容是网络思想政治教育的核心和灵魂。设置内容需要遵循一定原则 ,要合乎一定要求。根据网络传媒的优势和网络思想政治教育的任务和特点 ,当前网络思想政治教育内容主要包括网络思想教育、网络政治教育、网络伦理教育、网络心理教育、网络法制教育、网络人文科学知识教育、网络国情教育、网络中华传统优秀文化教育等内容。这些内容相互联系 ,相互渗透和相辅相成 ,共同构成了网络思想政治教育的内容体系。
The contents of the ideology and politics education by using network occupy the core and spirit part in this kind of education .It is necessary to obey certain rules and meet some demands when setting the contents.Based on the advantages of the network media and the mission and peculiarity of the ideology and politics education by using network, the present contents of the education mainly include: network politics education, network ethics education, network psychology education, network legality education, network humanities education, network national condition education, and network traditional outstanding culture education,which involve interrelation, mutual infiltration and supplement.They form of the system of the ideology and politics education by using network.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)