目的探讨外伤性白内障形觉剥夺与眼轴的关系。方法用美国产 Humphery-837型 A/B 超对19例单眼发病的外伤性白内障形觉剥夺眼及其对侧健眼做自动生物眼轴测量,对比分析。结果外伤性白内障形觉剥夺眼眼轴和对侧健眼眼轴比较明显增长(P<0.01),眼轴变化值与形觉剥夺时间成正相关(r=0.488,P<0.05),与发病年龄无关(P<0.05)。结论无论任何年龄,对外伤性白内障导致的形觉剥夺视觉障碍眼应采取积极手段治疗,防止眼轴增长。
To investigate the relationship between pattern deprivation of traumatic cataract and axial length of theeyes.Method Bilateral axial lengths in 19 cases of unilateal traumatic cataiaot were autornati cally measuved by Humphery-837 A/Bmade in the United States.The direct contact method was used for measurement and axial lengths of bilateral eyes were compared.ResultThe axial lengths of pattern deprivation of traumatic eyes(P<0.01).The changes of axial length were positively correlated with thetime of the pattern deprivation(r=0.488,P<0.05).Theere were no statistical correlation between the change of axial length and the age(P>0.05).Conclusion Prolong the axial length of the eyes.at any age.And the changes of axial length were correlated with the time ofpattern deprivation.
Journal of Fuzhou General Hospital