2Cho,Kuk:(1999)Reconstruction of the English Criminal Justice System and Its Reinvigorated Exclusionary Rules,21 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 259,p 267.
3The Law and Orde Lobby and the Civil Libertarian Lobby,愿意是“法律与秩序院外压力集团”和“民权自由院外压力集团”,是指主张法律与秩序的人或者主张民权自由的人在议会进行活动。劝说,来影响议会的立法活动。本文简称“法律与秩序”派和“民权自由”派。
4Cho,Kuk:(1999) Reconstruction of the English Criminal Justice System and Its Reinvigorated Exclusionary Rules,21 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 259,p 273-278.
6Interrogation Code,是伴随《警察与刑事证据法》的实施性规则。
7Bentham,A Treatise on Judicial Evidence 241 (M.Dumont ed.,1825).转引自Cho,Kuk:(1999) Reconstruction of the English Criminal Justice System and Its Reinvigorated Exclusionary Rules,21 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 259,p 302.
8Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.曾有学者翻译为《刑事审判和公共秩序法》(例如中国政法大学刑事法律研究中心组织编译的《英国刑事诉讼法(选编)》),实际上,在英美法学中criminal justice和criminal procedure是有区别的,criminal justice是指从警察程序、起诉程序、审判程序、量刑到监狱与判决执行全过程;而criminal procedure仅仅是指审判阶段。参见Stuntz,William J.The uneasy relationship between criminal procedure and criminal justice,107 Yale law Journal 1(October 1997)。因而,本文改译为《刑事司法和公共秩序法》。
10Cho,Kuk:(1999) Reconstruction of the English Criminal Justice System and Its Reinvigorated Exclusionary Rules,21 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 259,p 308.