雷达差分干涉测量是当前雷达遥感的热点研究领域 ,利用遥感卫星多时相的复雷达图像相干信息进行地表的垂直形变量的提取 ,其精度已达到了毫米级。对差分干涉雷达遥感的原理及具体实现进行了深入研究 ,并分析了差分干涉测量结果的误差 ,着重阐述了差分干涉雷达遥感在地面沉降研究中的应用 。
Differential interferometry synthetic aperture radar(D-InSAR)is a research focus of radar remote sensing at present. Based on more time repeat-pass the D-InSAR becomes an important technique to measure surface deformation with a vertical accuracy of millimeters. This paper studies remote sensing principles of D-InSAR and its concrete realization thoroughly, and analyses error sources that affect the interferograms. Finally this paper expatiates applications of D-InSAR for surface subsidence and the problems needed to be solved furtherly.
Journal of East China Institute of Technology
国家自然科学基金项目 (NO .40 2 340 4 1
NO .40 2 72 0 55)