医院感染管理科作为医院应对突发公共卫生事件 (主要是传染病暴发 )的重要职能科室 ,应当根据传染病的流行趋势 ,做好监测、报告、预警、咨询、预防、控制、指导及督查等职能工作 ,完善落实各项医院感染管理工作制度 ,加强学科建设和基本设施建设 ,推动医院感染管理学科及感染控制工作的进一步发展 ,提高医院应对突发公共卫生事件的能力和医疗质量 。
Department of hospital infection management plays important roll in fighting against sudden public health event, it should do well in monitoring, reporting, early-warning, controlling, guiding and supervising in accordance with the infection trend, improve and actualize rules of infection management in hospital, strengthen construction of subjects and basic establishment, advance the leap-forward in subject and work for controlling infectious diseases, raise the ability of fighting against sudden public health event and ensure security of medical treatment.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army