
田间条件下超高产水稻培矮64S/E32及其亲本旗叶的光合特性 被引量:16

Photosynthetic Characteristics in Flag Leaves of Super High-yielding Hybrid Rice Peiai64S/E32 and Its Parents Grown in the Field
摘要 研究了超高产杂交水稻培矮 6 4S E32及其亲本的光合生理特性。结果表明 ,该杂种有较强的光能吸收、转化和碳固定的光合特性 ,其生育后期的最大光合速率 (Pmax)、PSⅡ原初光化学效率 (Fv Fm)、PSⅡ电子传递的量子效率(ΦPSⅡ)、叶绿素荧光光化学猝灭系数 (qP)的下降速率都比亲本慢 ,不易早衰 ,具明显超亲优势。杂种也有明显的光合优势 ,在光能捕获、转化和电子传递方面有超亲或中亲优势 ,较接近父本 ;而在光合碳固定方面 ,Rubisco含量和最大光合放氧速率Pmax的超亲或中亲优势更靠近母本。 Super high-yielding hybrid rice cultivars ‘Peiai64S/E32’ (peiai64S×E32) and its parents were used to investigated the photosynthetic characteristics grown in the field in South China. It was shown that Peiai64S/E32 had greater capacity and higher efficiency for light energy absorption, transformation and utilization. The degradation rates of P max., F v/F m, Φ PSⅡ., q P at later development period was slower than that of its parents, indicating less imbalance occurred between photochemical reaction and carbon reduction in the hybrid. The heterosis in light energy absorption and light chemical process in the hybrid was close to the performance of male patent E32 and the heterosis in carbon fixation was near to that of female parent 64S.
出处 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期209-213,共5页 Acta Agronomica Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划基金 (19980 10 10 0 )资助
关键词 高产水稻 旗叶 光合特性 杂种优势 Super high-yielding rice Flag leaf Photosynthetic characteristics Heterosis
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