
川西南山地民族聚落生态研究——以米易县麦地村为例 被引量:10

Ecological Studies of Human Settlements of Ethnic Groups in Southwestern Sichuan—— A Case Study of Maidi Village, Miyi County
摘要 麦地村位于四川省米易县,其聚落生态系统由庭院生态亚系统(人工生态系统),农田生态亚系统(半人工生态系统),森林生态亚系统(自然生态系统),荒地生态亚系统(自然生态系统)等构成。作为一个聚落生态系统,麦地村缺乏与外界的交流,包括物质、文化与人员方面的交流。为减少薪柴消费对现有森林资源带来的负面影响,除发展经济林和水土保持林外,应在荒山荒坡和裸地上大力种植薪炭林。同时,国家应在发展沼气、推广省柴灶、使用电能方面给予补助。 Human settlement ecosystem (or a village ecosystem) is basically a human ecosystem with an artificial (architecture) and natural landscape based on a certain environment and natural resources. It is also a human dominating natural-social-economic complex ecosystem. Mountain areas in China are often inhabited by ethnic minority people while they are usually situated in ecologically vulnerable belts. Due to historical reasons most ethnic minority groups in China have been living in human settlements in remote mountains with a backward economy and an isolate cultural system. Taking Maidi village of Miyi county in southwestern Sichuan as case, this paper, using historical and field survey approach and energy ecological analysis method, has studied the evolution and development of village ecosystem in ethnic mountain areas in southwestern Sichuan, in order to provide some hints for village reconstruction and regional ecological restoration and rehabilitation. The studied human settlement ecosystem consists of a courtyard sub-ecosystem (artificial ecosystem), farm sub-ecosystem (semi-artificial ecosystem), forest sub-ecosystem (natural ecosystem) and wasteland sub-ecosystem (natural ecosystem). The courtyard sub-ecosystem, as a key part of human settlement ecosystem, consists of population system, domestic livestock system, methane system and among others. In landscape ecological perspective, it has village architecture, roads and fruit trees surrounding farmhouses. A major function of the courtyard sub-ecosystem is its inhabitation or housing. As for this village, it is not only a living place for local Lishu people, but also a worksite for them. Domestic livestock activities are mostly done in courtyard sub-ecosystem. In addition to goats, cattle and bees, most families have raised pigs, which could provide nutritious matters such as protein and fat for population system. A major function of livestock system in Maidi village is to provide fertilizers and animal power, with little energy directly going to population system. Farm sub-ecosystem includes irrigated terraced land ecosystem below the courtyard sub-ecosystem and dry land ecosystem above the courtyard sub-ecosystem. The input-output ratio of auxiliary energy of farm sub-ecosystem is comparatively high, which is identical with the local climatic features in southwestern Sichuan. Wasteland sub-ecosystem is chiefly composed of shrubs and grasses. Forest sub-ecosystem, which is situated at a steeper belt in the human settlement ecosystem, consists of Yunnan pine forest and mixed forest of Yunnan pine forest. Each sub-ecosystem of the human settlement ecosystem has a function of its own. The integration of all sub-ecosystems has shown a great holistic function, which gave rise to prosperity of the Lishu people and their typical culture. As a human settlement ecosystem, Maidi Village lacks exchange with outside, including exchange of materials, cultural exchange and exchange of persons. In order to reduce negative impact of consumption for fuel wood on present forests, it is desired to develop fuel forest on wasteland and on bare land in addition to developing fruit trees and soil conserving forest. The state should also give people support in use of biogas, popular use of effective stoves and use of electricity.
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期108-114,共7页 Mountain Research
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KSCX1-07-02)~~
关键词 聚落 生态系统 能量 山区 human settlement ecosystem energy mountain areas
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