According to data available to the authors on the cracking of hammer rods in service,such cracking
occurs rather too frequently and is,in the authors' opinion,due to inadequacy in present design practice.
In this paper,the authors present new design suggestions that appear to succeed in reducing greatly
the number of cracking failures of hammer rods in service.
In a previous paper by the first two authors[5],it was established experimentally that more than 60%
of cracking failures occur in zones of high tensile stresses.In this paper,the authors analyze the conditions
under which a conspicuous phenomenon,very much similar to vibration resonance,occurs under repeated
impact.Such analysis allows the authors to make design suggestions to reduce the magnitude of such phe-
nomenon and consequently the magnitudes of tensile stresses.
The authors' suggested improvement in design was adopted in December 1991 by one user of die forg-
ing.After one year of service,the hammer rod has not yet cracked.Measurement of the peak tensile stress
in the hammer rod shows significant reduction.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University