
水泥基复合材料界面对材料宏观性能的影响 被引量:46

Review on the Study of Effect of ITZ on the Macro Properties of Cementitious Composites
摘要 从力学性能、传输性能和收缩性能3个角度阐述了界面过渡区(ITZ)对混凝土宏观性能的影响.其中力学性能主要从强度、刚度以及断裂力学性能3个方面,传输性能主要从扩散性能与渗透性能2个方面进行考虑.探讨了在多因素交互作用下,有关界面研究方面存在的不足. Influence of ITZ on macro properties of concrete was reviewed in three parts, i.e. mechanical properties, transport properties and shrinkage. From the mechanical point of view, strength, stiffness and fracture mechanics were considered. As for the transport properties, influence of ITZ on diffusivity and permeability of concrete was demonstrated. Finally, the paper discussed the deficiency in ITZ study when concrete was subjected to multiple damage factors.
出处 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期51-62,共12页 Journal of Building Materials
基金 国家自然科学重点基金资助项目(59938170)
关键词 水泥基复合材料 界面过渡区 混凝土 收缩性能 刚度 力学性能 强度 渗透性能 研究 交互作用 interfacial transition zone(ITZ) strength elastic modulus fracture mechanical property diffusivity permeability shrinkage interaction of multiple factors
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