
西藏山羊绒机械性能研究 被引量:1

Study on the Mechanical Properties of Down from Tibetan Goat
摘要 对西藏那曲、四川德格两个点的西藏山革成年公、母羊绒纤维的机械性能进行了较系统的比较研究。结果表明:成年公、母羊绒纤维的断裂强力、弹性模量、断裂功、定伸长下的强力值、弹性伸长百分率和弹性功恢复率等指标西藏点均高于四川点,屈服点应变和剩余变形百分率则四川点均高于西藏点,但两地区间和地区内同一指标间差异均不显著(P>0.05);成年公、母羊绒纤维的断裂强度、断裂伸长百分率、屈服点应力、断裂功比和摩擦效应等指标,除四川点母羊绒纤维的断裂伸长百分率极显著高于西藏点母羊(P<0.01)外,其余各指标有不规律变化,但两地区间和地区内同一指标间差异均不显著(P>0.05)。 This paper reports the results of study on the mechanical properties of down from bucks and does of Tibetan goat in Naqu County of Tibefan Autonomous Region and in Dege County of Sichuan province. The results showed that, all targets of the tension at break, modulus of elasticity. work at break. tension at stretch 10%. percentage of elastic stretch and percentage of elastic wark restoration of down from bucks and does in Naqu County were higher than those of down in Dege County, and the targets of strain of yield point and percentage of surplus deformation of down in Dege County Were higher than those of down in Naqu County, but differences between same targets were insignificant (P>0.05). All targets of the strength at break. Percentage of elongation at break. Stress of yield point, ratio of work at break and frictional effect of down from bucks and does in two counties had some irregular variations, but thoes changes between same targets were insignificant (P>0.05) except the differences of percentages of elongation at break of clown from does in two counties (P<0.01).
出处 《西南民族学院学报(畜牧兽医版)》 1993年第3期250-254,共5页
基金 国家自然科学基金<藏山羊种质测定>的一部分
关键词 山羊绒 西藏山羊 机械性能 Down, Tibetan Goat, Machanical Property
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