AIM: To compare the effect of atropine and tropicamide on children on optomet ry and to evaluate the effect of tropicamide. · METHODS: A total of 55 children (110 eyes) aged 6-14 (9.40±2.35) were select ed. The 5g/L tropicamide was used for cycloplegia firstly. When corrected vision of one or both eyes is ≤0.8, 10g/L atropine was used for cycloplegia after 3-6 d. The results were analyzed by SPSS 10.0 software. · RESULTS: The result of tropicamide was partially more myopic than that of tha t of atropine. The matched-pairs't-test revealed that the two sphere values an d equivalent sphere values were significantly different. The percent of the sphe re more myopic(≥0.50D) is 50.9% (56/110); and the percent of equivalent sphere more myopic(≥0.50D) is 42.7%(47/110). There are relatively fewer results that a re more hyperopic. The percent of the sphere more hyperopic(≥0.50D) is 12.7%(14/110) and the percent of equivalent sphere more hyperopic (≥0.50D) is 10.0%(11/ 110). The results of cylinder are not significantly different. The largest devia tion that is more myopic is 3.25DS and 3.25DC and that is more hyperopic is 1.75 DS and 2.00DC. · CONCLUSION: The 5g/L tropicamide used for optometry in children is not an ide al selection. ·
International Eye Science