飞机各系统的密封性主要是靠橡胶O形圈来保证的,因此,严格控制橡胶O形圈的质量是实现 飞机系统密封安全的关键。本文针对某型飞机橡胶O形圈研制中存在的一些影响工艺稳定性的问题进行了研 究分析,提出了改进措施。在开展考核试验工作的基础上,通过方差计算,给出了一种判定O形圈工艺稳定 性的方法。
O-rings are widely used for sealing in aircraft systems.Strict quality control in O-ring production process is a criticle factor for implementing the sealing safety in aircraft systems.In this paper,major problem aspects which affect the O-ring process techniques stabilization and solutions to the problems are discussed.A variance calculation of test data is made and a criterion of O-ring process techniques stabilization is given.
Aircraft Design