目的探讨201Tl、99Tcm-HL91双核素心肌显像与18F-FDG显像结合99Tcm-MIBI心肌显像在评价急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者心肌代谢及血流灌注中的临床应用价值。方法 对10例AMI患者行10 min和3 h 201Tl与99Tcm-HL91双核素心肌显像,采用17节段分析法来评价201TI显像节段性稀疏缺损与乏氧节段性显影;对25例AMI患者在PCI术后2周行18F-FDG心肌代谢显像及99Tcm-MIBI静息心肌显像,行圆周剖面半定量分析评价局部心肌灌注、代谢与室壁运动功能之间的关系。结果 (1)75%(21/28)的201Tl灌注缺损心肌节段在乏氧显像中该节段显影,提示有存活心肌,7个不显影节段均为下壁节段,99Tcm-HL91显影节段数明显大于201Tl灌注缺损区。(2)AMI患者术后2周心肌运动正常节段(n=284)99Tcm-MIBI%、18F-FDG%分别为83.71%±15.67%和89.40%±13.62%,高于运动减弱组(n=51)的68.45%±17.34%和71.19%±18.56%,高于无运动组(n=65)的32.26%±14.91%和56.08%±18.83%,运动减弱组高于无运动组,3组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。室壁运动评分指数(WMSI)与99Tcm-MIBI缺损百分率呈正相关(r=0.791,P<0.05)。结论201Tl、99Tcm-HL91双核素心肌显像与18F-FDG显像结合99Tcm-MIBI心肌显像均可用于临床判断AMI患者的存活心肌及血流灌注。
Objective To investigate the clinic value of 201 Tl and 99Tcm-HL91 dual-isotope imaging and 18F-FDG, 99Tcm-MIBI combined with SPECT imaging in assessing myocardial glucose metabolism and perfusion in patients with AMI. Methods Ten patients with AMI undergoing 201T1 and 99Tcm-HL91 dual-isotope imaging. A 17-segment model was used to assess the defect on myocardial perfusion images and the hot spot on myocardial hypoxic images. Twenty five patients with AMI undergoing 18F-FDG SPECT glucose metabolic imaging and 99Tcm-MIBI imaging at 2 weeks after PCI, and resting echocardiography 3 months after PCI. Circumferential count profiles from18F-FDG and Tcm-MIBI short axis slices were generated to assess myocardial regional blood flow and glucose metabolism. Results (1) 75% (21/28) of myocardial segments showing cold defects on 201T1 imaging of patients with AMI showed 'hot spot' on 99Tcm-HL91 imaging. The number of myocardial segments which showed 'hot spot' on 99Tcm-HL91 imaging was more than that which showed cold defects on 201T1 imaging. The uptake of 99Tcm-MIBI in normal, hypokines and akinesia segments was83.71±15.67, 68.45±17.34, and 32. 26±14.91, respectively.The uptake of 18F-FDG in normal, hypokines and akinesia segments was 89.40±13.62,71.19±18. 56, and 56.08±18.83. There was significant difference among three groups (P<0.01). The defect value of 99Tcm-MIBIcorrelated with WMSI (r=0.791, P<0.05) . Conclusion 201 Tl and 99Tcm-HL91 dual-isotope imaging and 18F-FDG, 99Tcm-MIBI combined with SPECT imaging can be used in clinic to evaluate myocardial glucose metabolism and perf usion of the patients with AMI after PCI.
Suzhou University Journal of Medical Science