
跨国公司海外R&D的投资动机及其区位选择 被引量:27

Investment motivations and location of MNC’s overseas R&D
摘要 按投资动机及和区位选择的差异,可将跨国公司的海外R&D机构归结为三种类型。生产支撑型的海外R&D机构是以技术本地化和支撑海外附属公司的生产为主要目的,其在宏观区位上倾向于选择市场规模较大的国家或地区,微观区位倾向于接近海外生产基地。技术跟踪型的海外R&D机构主要是为了跟踪和获取东道国和竞争对手的技术发展,宏观区位倾向于选择技术水平较高的国家或地区,微观区位倾向于接近竞争对手的R&D机构。人才和资源利用型的海外R&D机构主要是为了利用东道国的科技人才、研究环境和其他技术资源,宏观区位倾向于选择人才资源丰富、技术环境良好的国家和地区,微观区位倾向于选择东道国的科技中心城市,尤其是著名大学和研究机构附近。 According to the difference of their investment motivations and location choices, the author summaries MNE’s overseas R&D labs as three categories. Production supporting R&D labs are aim at technological localization and supporting the overseas production in host countries, and are generally located near their overseas production affiliates in those host countries with a bigger market. Technology tailing R&D labs have a incentive to monitor and acquire their competitor’s known-how and other technological information, so they prefer the location to close their competitor’s R&D facilities in more advanced countries. The motive of technology resource excavating R&D labs is to utilize the host country’s professional talents and other technological resource so they are usually located in the science and technology centers, especially near famous universities and institutes, in those host counties with abundant professional labors and better research atmosphere.
作者 杜德斌
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期71-75,共5页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40371032)
关键词 跨国公司 海外R&D 投资动机 区位选择 MNCs overseas R&D investment motivation location
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