
考虑实时平衡市场的合约交易模式研究 被引量:2

Research on contract trade model considering real-time market
摘要 针对我国电力市场的特点提出了一种合约交易模式,合约市场和实时平衡市场并存,考虑两种市场价格之间的关系以及历史数据的影响,并通过科学的方法确定了各参数以达到最优的目的。算法在保证参与者经济利益的同时考虑了国家的宏观调控作用,消除价格剧烈波动带来的风险。最后,通过算例验证了这种市场交易模式的有效性。 s:A trade model suitable for the actual conditions of China is presented,where both real-time market and contract market exist. The pricing parameters are decided by scientific method for optimization with consideration of the relationship between two markets and the influence of historical parameters. The model ensures the income of bargainers and removes the risks caused by the acute fluctuation of price,which uses the government's control to keep the market stability. An example verifies its effectiveness.
出处 《电力自动化设备》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期18-21,共4页 Electric Power Automation Equipment
关键词 电力市场 交易模式 合约市场 实时市场 power market trade model contract market real-time market
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