农业是遥感技术应用的一个重要领域。EOS -MODIS卫星的发射为农业遥感提供了又一个重要的信息源。本文详细地分析了MODIS的数据特点及适用领域 ,回顾和评价了MODIS数据在农作物分类、长势和灾害监测、土地利用等领域的应用状况 。
Nowadays, remote sensing monitoring on agriculture has attracted more and more attentions than even before. The moderate resolution imaging spectra-radiometer (MODIS) on board Terra and Aqua satellites launched by NASA since 1999, has great potential in the study on agricultural monitoring, and compensated the shortcomings in spatial and temporal resolution of conventional monitoring method. In this paper the authors focus on the research progress and future development of MODIS data in agricultural monitoring, such as crop classification, crop growth and agricultural disaster monitoring, land use, etc. and hope to facilitate the study in this domain.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
"国家级农情遥感监测与信息服务系统 (2 0 0 3AA1 31 0 2 0 )"
"以遥感信息为基础的区域作物水分信息监测技术 (2 0 0 2AA2Z40 71 - 0 8)"(863计划 )资助