论述了绿色设计和生命周期分析概念、方法及其在农业转型中的意义。研究认为 ,绿色设计以 3R (节约、循环和再利用 )为特征 ,是集社会、文化、环境、资源等为一体的复合性设计 ;LCA是分析产品从“从摇篮至坟墓”的全过程监督管理方法 ,建立科学评价指标体系和综合评判方法 ,确定农业生态系统边界和农产品生命周期目录 ,是农产品LCA核心技术。
The paper discussed the concept and approach of Green Design (GD) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) as well as their significance during agricultural transformation The research indicated that featured with 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), GD is regarded as a complex design integrating society, culture, environment, resources LCA is an objective process to assess the entire Cradle to Grave life cycle of product It is the key techniques of LCA to establish integrated assessment method and rational index systems and determine the agro ecosystem scope and life cycle inventory of agro product
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics