
中国小三江平原大规模农业开发土地利用变化对湿地的影响 被引量:5

Impacts on Wetlands of Large-scale Land-use Changes by Agricultural Development:The Small Sanjiang Plain,China
摘要 小三江平原(SSP)位于黑龙江省东北部,曾经是中国最大的湿地分布区域。作为无数水禽、鱼类和植物的家园,小三江平原在全球生物多样性保护中具有重要意义。50多年的农业开发活动导致的湿地丧失和破碎化对湿地群落和生物多样性造成巨大影响。利用GIS对该区1950~2000年土地利用变化研究表明,73.6%的湿地丧失。土地利用变化的后果包括:①随着自然湿地丧失和破碎化以及生态系统退化,水禽和植物物种呈快速下降趋势;②多年土地利用变化导致了湿地水位的巨大变化;③排灌渠系和防洪堤的建设干扰了洪泛平原的动态变化;④日益减少的洪泛平原面积导致洪峰流量和径流的增加。本文重点研究上述这些变化如何对湿地生物多样性和重要湿地物种产生影响。 The Small Sanjiang Plain (SSP),was formerly the largest wetland complex in China, located in the Northeastern part of Heilongjiang Province,China.Home to vast numbers of waterfowls,fish,and plants,the SSP is globally significant for biodiversity conservation.The loss and fragmentation of wetlands as a result agricultural development over 50 years has impacted wetland communities and their biodiversity. We used GIS to inventory large-scale land-use changes from 1950 to 2000,together with other statistical data.We found that 73.6% ofthe wetlands were lost due to agricultural development.Consequences of these land-use changes included:i) a rapid decline in waterfowl and plant species with the loss and fragmentation of natural wetlands and wetland ecosystem degradation;ii) greater variation in wetland water levels as the result of land-use changes over the years;iii) disruption of the dynamic river-floodplain connection by construction of drainage ditches and levees;and iv) a decrease in floodplain area that caused increased flooding peak flows and runoff. Here we show how these changes affect wetland biodiversity and impact important wetland spieces.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2004年第6期284-288,361,共5页
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