
一种基于局部最小代价分水岭变换的图像分割新方法 被引量:14

New Image Segmentation Methods Based on Regionally Minimal Cost Watershed Transform
摘要 利用数学形态学的基本理论 ,提出了一种基于局部最小代价分水岭算法的图像分割新方法 该方法应用数学形态学的腐蚀、膨胀及坎尼 (canny)算子将图像中包含外边沿的部分分割出来 ;对该局部区域进行最小代价的分水岭变换 ;提出了解决过度分割问题的一些准则 实验结果表明 ,该方法不但节省运行时间 ,而且其能够提取出目标的完整精确的外轮廓边沿 。 According to mathematical morphology, a new image segmentation method based on regionally minimal cost watershed transform is introduced. Firstly, local region needing watershed was segmented after erosion, dilation and edge detection by canny. Secondly, the local region of the picture is processed applying the methods in this paper. And in the last of this paper many rules solving over-segmentation are introduced. Experiments show that the new algorithm's time is low and the method in this paper has the advantage of giving accurate contour of object.
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期142-145,共4页 Acta Photonica Sinica
关键词 分水岭变换 最小代价 图像分割 数学形态学 分水岭算法 运行时间 节省 局部 取出 新方法 Mathematical morphology Watershed transform Canny edge Minimal cost Image segmentation
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