辽宁省 65座大中型水库富营养化现状评价结果表明 ,辽宁省有 44 .6%的大中型水库处于富营养状态 ;分别有 10 .0 %、49.2 %的水库总氮和总磷超过Ⅲ类标准 ,总体上饮用水源水库富营养状态好于水产养殖、农业灌溉用水等功能的水库营养状态。根据实际情况 ,提出了防治水库富营养化的对策。
The assessment of the present eutrophication status of the 65 large and medium reservoirs in Liaoning Province indicates that 44.6% of these reservoirs are under eutrophication condition.The problems of the total nitrogen and total phosphorus are more universal among these reservoirs,42.9% and 50% of them exceed the rank-Ⅲ criteria of total introgen and total phosphorous respectively. In all, tap water source reservoirs have better eutrophication condition than that of other functional mservoirs which serve the purpose of aquaculture and agricultural irrigation. Suitable prevention suggestions were put forword to prevent eurrophication.
Liaoning Urban and Rural Environmental Science & Technology