目的 :考察在35℃时头孢噻肟钠在氯化钠 (0.9 %)、葡萄糖 (5 %、10 %)注射液中的残存量及稳定性。方法 :采用在实验温度下 ,药物在不同实验注射液中的各时点进行相对百分含量 (C %)和对数 (lgc)对时间 (t)进行线性回归处理 ,并计算其K、T0.9 值。结果 :头孢噻肟钠在35℃条件下 ,在葡萄糖注射液中的降解速率要大于它在氯化钠注射液中的降解速率 ,且在三种注射液中的配伍稳定期>8小时。结论 :混合液的稳定期与注射液的种类有关 ,8小时内质量稳定。
Objective:To investigate the residual content of cefotaxlme sodlumin0.9%sodium chloride injection,5%glucose injection and10%glucose injection at35℃and its stability.Methods:Under experimental temperature,the content of cefotaxlme sodlumin different injentions was determined at different time points respectively.The results were proven to use regression unalysis and relativist,and the value of K and T 0.9 was calculated respectively.Results:The degradation rate of cefotaxlme sodlum in glucose injection was greater than that in sodium chloride inˉjection at35℃,the stationary phase of compatible cefotaxlme sodlum in three injections was all greater than8hours.Conclusion:The stationary phase of compatible cefotaxlme sodlum in associated with the kind of injection,the quality is stationary within8hours.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health