研究了 4 5℃ 30、6 0和 12 0s短期热激处理对蚕豆种子在 1℃贮藏期间褐变和有关酶活性的影响。结果表明 ,采用 4 5℃ 6 0s热激处理可显著降低蚕豆在冷藏期间的呼吸强度、PPO和PAL活性 ,抑制MDA和总酚含量及褐变度的上升 ,延缓叶绿素和Vc含量的下降 ,从而起到延缓衰老和保持品质的作用。 4 5℃热处理 12 0s使 2周后MDA含量和褐变度上升及Vc含量下降较快 ,这可能是由于组织受到了热伤害造成的。
The effects of short term 45℃ heat-shock treatments for 30, 60 and 120 s on browning and activities of enzymes related to browning in broadbean( Vica faba L.)seeds during storage at 1℃ were investigated in this experiment. The results indicated that 45℃ treatment for 60 s significantly inhibited the respiratory rate(Fig.1A), PPO and PAL activities(Fig.3A, 4A), retarded the increase in MDA(Fig.1B), total phenolic content and browning degree(Fig.4B, 5B), inhibited the decreases in chlorophyll and Vc contents(Fig.2A, 5A), thereby delaying the senescence process and keeping better quality. Treatment with 45℃ water for 120 s, however, promoted the increase in MDA content(Fig.1B), browning degree(Fig.5B), and the decrease in Vc content(Fig.5A).
Journal Of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
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