根据芙蓉江鱼塘水电站的泄洪特点,通过水工整体模型试验研究,分析比较了两种泄流消能 方案,最终推荐了一种比较符合该工程实际的泄洪消能系统方案.该泄洪消能系统大大减轻了下 泄水流对河床基岩的冲刷作用,满足了该工程的泄洪消能任务.
Based on the flood discharging characteristics of the Furong River yutang hydropower station and hydraulic model test research, two schemes of flood discharge and energy dissipation are analysed and compared,and finally a practical flood energy dissipation optimal scheme is put forward.This flood energy dissipation system has remarkably relieved the scouring effect of plunging flow on the river bedrock and met the project's requirements for flood energy dissipation.
Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences