5Alexander Wendt, "Anarchy Is What States Make of It:the Social Consturcation of Power Politics ".International Organization Vol.46.2.Spring 1992.P.393.
6Alexander Were, " Anarchy Is What States Make of It:the Social Construction of Power Pohtics",P.391.,P.392.
7Jonatitan Mercer, "Anarchy and ldentity",International Organization, Vol. 49,2,Spring 1995 .P.230.
8Alexander Wendt. " Identity and Structural Change in International Pohtics". The Return of Culture and Idenity in IR Theory, ed. Yosef Lapid, Friedrich Kratochwil, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers Press.1996, P.48.
9Alexander Wendt, "Anarchy Is What States Make of It:the Social Constntction of Power Politics",P.395.
10Peter J. Katzenstein (ed.). The Culture of National Security: Norms and Ideraity in World Politics,New York: Columbia University Press, 1996, P. 52-53