在我国海上保险实务中 ,保证被称为“保险单特款规定”。我国海上保险法中关于保证的规定源于英国法 ,而且我国的该项法律制度仅存在于我国《海商法》中 ,在我国《保险法》和其他民事法律中均没有涉及。即使在《海商法》中 ,关于保证的规定仅限于第 2 35条这一简单规定。本文主要讨论了我国海上保险法中违反保证的法律后果这一问题 ,并提出了作者的观点。
In Chinese marine insurance practice, a warranty is referred to as 'a special term in the policy', and the rule of warranty in Chinese marine insurance law originated from English law. Under Chinese law, warranty is a particular regime only existing in Chinese Maritime Code (CMC). Further, there is only one Article 235 that provides for warranty in CMC. This paper discusses the legal consequence of breach of warranty under existing Chinese law, and put, forward, the opinion in this respect.
Annual of China Maritime Law