柴油机缸内的火焰辐射受诸多因素的影响, 用理论分析法来确定它是相当困难的. 由于柴油机缸内火焰辐射特性依赖于缸内的燃烧过程,而燃烧过程中的实际热力状态又可用示功图来分析, 因此本文借助于火焰辐射与缸内热力参数之间的间接关系, 建立了一种以示功图和缸内燃气特征速度来预测辐射系数的计算模型. 用该模型预测的火焰辐射系数计算缸内辐射热流量时, 其计算结果与实测结果基本一致.
It is very difficult to analyze flame radiation in the cylinder of diesel engine by theoretical method since flame radiation as a function of many parameters.The radiant property of the flame in cylinder is dependent of combustion process.But the thermodynamic state of real engine cycles can be analyzed from the pressure volume diagrams in cylinder.Thus the new computational model of flame radiant coefficient in the cylinder of diesel engine is set up base on the indirect relationship between flame radiation and state parameters in this paper.Compared calculated results of radiant heat flux by the model with measured values,shows both are corresponding.