工会是站在工人一方 ,通过对劳动价格的议价来调节供给与需求关系的。经济全球化削弱了工会的调节能力。企业跨国经营是资本对付工会的现代手段。经济全球化使工会在更高层次上凸现了各国工会的竞争 ,也为中国工会发展提供了新的机遇。产业结构调整必然伴随结构性失业。政府也为此付出了巨大的机会成本。利用WTO缺陷 ,维护企业正当权益也是维护工人的利益。工会也应该研究世界经济和国际贸易规则 ,培养自己的专门人才 ,规避不利于工会及工人的风险。
The trade unions as the workers' representatives adjust relations between supply and demand by negotiating a price of labor price. Economic globalization is weakening the trade unions' adjusting capacity. The corporations' transnational management is a modern means that capital copy with trade unions. Globalization is resulting in a competition among various trade unions in the world at a high level. At the same time, it will bring into a new opportunity for the Chinese trade unions. Industrial structural adjustment inevitably results in the structural unemployment. The government also put in a huge chance cost. By using the shortcomings of WTO the enterprises protect their just rights and interests. That is a protective right and interest of the workers. The trade unions should study international trade rules and train their special talents and avoid risks that do not benefit trade unions and workers.
Theory & Practice of Trade Unions