分析认为 ,提高足球运动员的战术意识思维决策活动过程中的有序性是提高运动员在比赛中的无球活动效率的重要途径。但是 ,运动员的战术意识思维决策活动过程是否有序 ,尚无人进行研究。笔者通过大量的调查 ,证实了运动员的战术意识思维决策过程是有序的。这一研究结果 ,对运动员的战术意识思维决策水平的训练与培养具有积极的理论与实践意义。
It is believed that,by analysing,an important way for soccer players without ball in a match to raise their action efficiency is to improve their thinking order when they are making.decision making However,the question what the process to make a decision making,with an order or without an order has not been proved yet,this paper has proved,by investigating many soccertrainers,profeesion soccer players,youth players and junior players,that it is truth for soccers to make a decision making with an order,not with a random action.This result will have positive help in theory and practice for soccer trainers to train,to cultivate,to improve the level of players'decising making.
Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University