
低硒对小鼠心肌谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶影响的免疫电镜观察 被引量:5

An immunoelectron microscopic study on glutathione peroxidase in Selenium deficient mouse myocardium
摘要 将60只断乳小鼠分3组各20只。低硒组喂含硒0.0045mg/kg 半合成饲料;补硒组于低硒饲料内加 Na_2SeO_3,含硒0.496mg/kg;对照组喂常备饲料,含硒0.174mg/kg。结果:低硒组全血 GSH—Px 活力明显下降,胶体金免疫电镜图象分析:低硒组心肌 GSH—Px 含量,较补硒组(肌丝0.62±0.0846:1.13±0.1305,P<0.01;线粒体1.36±0.696:2.77±0.2118,P<0.001)及对照组(肌丝0.625±0.0846:1.48±0.2266,P<0.01;线粒体1.36±0.696:3.16±0.3428,P<0.001)均明显减少,差异有非常显著意义,补硒组与对照组间差异无显著意义(P 值均>0.05),电镜下低硒组心肌线粒体、肌原纤维、膜系统均有显著改变。喂养至56天,每组抽7只,腹腔注射速尿及 NaNO_2,低硒组心肌出现多发性灶性坏死。本文还讨论了低硒对心肌病变的发病学机制。 This article reports an IEM study on GSH—Px in Se deficient mouse myocardium.60 wean-ling mice were divided into 3 guoyps (each group 20 mice).Gr.I were fed on a semisyn—theticdiet,containing 0.0045mg/kg Se;Gr.Ⅱ on the same diet as Gr.Ⅰ,but supplemented with Se upto 0.0496mg/kg by adding Na_2SeO_3 in the diet of Gr.Ⅰ;Gr.Ⅲ on a rountine diet containing 0.174mg/kg Se.Result:The blood GSH—Px activity of Gr.Ⅰmice declined rapidly.Under IEM,protein A—Au staining of mice myocardial cell between 3 guoups were studied quantitatively by aQ520 Quantimet and very significant differences were found between Gr.Ⅰ and Gr.Ⅱ (myofil-ameent:0.62±0.0846:1.13±0.1305,P<0:01;metoch:1.36±0.696:2.77±0.2118,P<0.001) and between Gr.Ⅰ and Gr.Ⅲ (myofilament:0.62±0.0846:1.48±0.2266,P<0.01,mitoch:1.36±0.696:3.16±0.3428,P<0.001),no significant difference was found be-tween Gr.Ⅱ and Gr.Ⅲ (p>0.05).Under EM,marked lesions of mitochondria,myofilamentsand membranous system were found in Gr.Ⅰ myocardial cells on 56th days,7 mice of each guoupwere given furosemide and NaNO_2 i.p.separately,multiple myocardial necrosis were revealed inGr.Ⅰ.The pathogenesis of Se deficient lesions were discussed.
出处 《中国地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1993年第5期263-266,共4页 Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 谷胱甘肽 过氧化物酶 免疫电镜 Glutathione peroxidase Selenium Protein A—Au immunoelectron microscope
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