Atmospheric corrosion can be divided into five different periods in terms of various weather conditions, i. e. during rainfall,dewfall and with high, medium and low relative humidity. The corrosion rate is a function of individual environment factors. The corrosion lossin each period is the product of the corrosion rate in the period and corresponding cumulative time. By electro chemical monitoring of atmospheric corrosion, the relationship between corrosion loss and more than 20 factors involving weather, atmospheric pollution, time, etc. has been investigated. Polybasic and gradual regression analyses have been made of the data obtained. The significant facors affecting atmospheric corrosion were determined. The general mathematical models based on the models of various significant factors and corrosion time in individual periods and the individual and general regressive equations were established. Finally, prediction equations for atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel, low alloy steel and zinc have been given.
Journal of Chinese Society For Corrosion and Protection