论文评价不等于期刊评价 ,虽然二者有着极为密切的联系。按照科学的方法和指标评选出的学术质量高的期刊对发表的论文具有一定的评价功能 ,但并不能完全代替对论文本身的评价 ;被摘、被引情况在一定程度上反映论文的质量的同时 ,也可以部分地反映刊载论文的期刊的质量 ,但并不能完整、全面地反映期刊的质量。核心期刊原本是文献计量学上的概念 ,其研究取得了长足的进步 ,目前已发展到从定量和定性相结合来筛选和确定核心期刊 ,它与“重要期刊”、“优秀期刊”、“权威期刊”等名称的区别越来越模糊 ,相应地 ,也存在一些不足和导致某些认识上的误区。制定出合理、科学、可操作的论文和期刊评价标准、指标和评审办法乃当务之急。
The evaluation of article is not equal to the evaluation of journal, despite the both maintain close tie. The key academic journals evaluated and selected by scientific methods and rational quality indexes can play a evaluating role for those articles which are published in the key journals, but the evaluation of journal can not completely replace the evaluation of article itself. The abstracting and citing of article can reflect partly the quality of article as well as reflect partly the quality of journal in which the article was published, however, it can not reflect completely the quality of journal. The core journal is the notion which first come from bibliometrics, later it was developed and currently it has been evaluated and selected by both quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. There is a vague distinction between the core journal and the key journal, good journal, refereed journal as well as misunderstanding. A urgent matter is formulating a set of reasonable, scientific and operational standards, indexes, rules and methods for evaluating articles and journals.