流行性出血热 (EHF)是通过鼠类携带出血热病毒的一种人兽共患的自然疫源性疾病 ,临床上以高热、出血、休克、肾衰竭为主要症状。该病发病急 ,病死率高 ,传染性强 ,流行区域广 ,是目前我国危害较严重的烈性传染病。该病不仅由野鼠传播给人群 ,而且通过野鼠感染实验动物 ,形成实验室感染 ,二次传播从事动物实验的人群。现把出血热的流行病学、临床和实验室感染介绍给读者 ,以引起有关方面重视。
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) is a zoonoses hantaviruses-transmitted by rats in natural foci. EHF victims show the following symptoms: high fever, hemorrhage, shock and renal failure, with the c haracterization of rapid onset, high infection and high fatality. Moreover, labo ratiory animals could get the disease from the sick wild rats, which would resul t in laboratory infection with the technicians involved. It is imperative for se rum samples to be taken to monitor EHF infection as one of the quality standards of laboratory animals in China.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Animal Science