
外源性多胺及其生物合成抑制剂对人参愈伤组织生长的作用 被引量:4

Effect of Exogenous Polyamines and Its Biosynthesis Inhibitor (D-Arg) on Growth of the Callus of Panax Ginseng
摘要 人参愈伤组织在分别添加外源性腐胺和精脒及其生物合成抑制剂D-精氨酸的培养基中培养。在20天,取愈伤组织测定组织鲜重、内源性多胺水平、DNA、蛋白质含量及生长率。结果表明:随着外源性多胺剂量的增加,内源性多胺的含量升高,DNA合成增加,可溶性蛋白质和非溶性蛋白质含量显著提高,生长率增高;腐胺和精脒对愈伤组织的作用相似,都促进了其生长。D-精氨酸明显地抑制了内源性多胺、DNA和蛋白质的合成,组织生长受到了抑制,D-精氨酸的抑制作用表现出良好的量效关系。结果说明多胺是人参愈伤组织生长必不可少的调节因子。 The callus of Panax ginseng was cultured on MS medium added putrescine (PUT), spermidine(SPD) and D-arginine(D-Arg) respectively, at 25±1℃ in the dark, the changes of endogenous polyamine, DNA, protein and fresh weight of the callus were assayed at day 20. Shimadzu 6A HPLC with a NOVA Pak-C_(18) column and a fluorescence detector, Disphenylamine method and Lowry method were used to determine polyamine, DNA and protein, respectively. The results showed that endogenous PUT and SPD were increased, DNA biosynthesis was enhanced, the content of soluble and insoluble proteins was raised; at the same time, the growth of the callus was promoted. Exogenous PUT and SPD have the same effects on the callus of Panax ginseng and a fine dose-effect correlation. D-Arg inhibited the callus endogenous PUT and SPD, DNA as well as protein biosynthesis. The inhibition showed a dosedependence. All above results suggest that the polyamines are a kind of essential growth regulators to the callus of Panax ginseng.
作者 钱之玉 刘丹
出处 《中国药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第3期157-160,共4页 Journal of China Pharmaceutical University
关键词 人参 愈伤组织 腐胺 精脒 The callus of Panax ginseng Polyamine Purescine Spermidine DNA Protein D-Arginine
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