
血脂灵降脂及抗氧化作用的研究 被引量:11

Study on Reducing Hyperlipemia and Anti-oxidation with Xue Zhi Ling(血脂灵)
摘要 本研究观察血脂异常者125例,采用随机方法进行分组。资料齐全者92例,其中治疗组(血脂灵组)51例,对照组(脉安定组)41例。全部患者连续用药12周,用药后第4、8、12周复查血脂。发现用药后第4周血脂灵即有降低血总胆固醇(TC)、动脉硬化指数[(TC-HDL)/HDL]及升高高密度脂蛋白(HDL)的作用(P均<0.05)。但第4、8、12周间均无差别,用药后TC平均下降18.7%,(TC-HDL)/HDL平均下降27.6%,HDL平均上升17.4%;用药后第8周甘油三酯(TG)显著下降,但第8、12周间无差别,用药后TG平均下降19.5%。而对照组用药前与用药后第4、8、12周间各观察指标均无差别。同时我们还观察了用药前、后血过氧化脂质(LPO)的变化,发现治疗组用药后LPO显著下降,而对照组无变化。本研究提示血脂灵有良好的调整血脂异常作用及抗氧化作用。 92 cases with complete clinical data among 125 hyperlipemia patients were randomly dividedinto two groups: 51 cases in the Xue Zhi Ling (血脂灵)treatment group and 41 cases in the controlgroup with medication of panagin. The drugs were administered to all patients for 12 weeks and theblood lipid was then examined at the 4th, 8th, 12th week after medication respectively. In treatmentgroup, there was the effect of lowering TC, TC-HDL/HDL and raising HDL at the 4th week (P<0.05). However, there were no significant difference in above-mentioned parameters at the 4th, 8thand 12th week respectively. The experiment also showed that Xue Zhi Ling could reduce TG at the8th and 12th week (P<0.05). While there was no significant difference between that of the 8th and12th weeks. The mean reduction of TC, TG and TC-HLD/HDL were 18.7%, 19.5% and 27.6%respectively, while the elevation of HDL in average was 17.4%. All of the lipid indexes in controlgroup had no significant changes at any stage. In addition, it was shown that Xue Zhi Ling coulddecrease serum LPO at 12th week (P<0.05). The results indicated that the Xue Zhi Ling has theeffect of regulating the hyperlipemia and anti-oxidation.
出处 《中国中西医结合杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第5期281-283,共3页 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 血脂灵 血脂异常 过氧化脂质 Xue Zhi Lillg, panagin, lipemia, lipo-peroxidate
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