一、十年重点治理的基本总结 从1983年开始,经国务院批准,将水土流失严重和旱涝灾害频繁、对国民经济影响大的黄河流域的无定河、三川河、皇甫川、甘肃省定西县,海河流域的永定河上游,辽河流域的柳河上游,长江流域的葛洲坝库区和江西省兴国县等八片,列为国家重点治理区。八片的总面积近8万km^2,其中水土流失面积6.3万km^2,涉及9省(区、市)、15个地(盟、州、市)、43个县(旗、
In 1983, some river basins and regions with severe soil loss and frequent drought and waterlogging disasters were listed as state key harnessment areas, including Wudinghe River, Sanchuanhe River, Huang-
puchuan River , Dingxi County of Gansu Province in the Yellow River Valley, the upper reaches of
Yongdinghe River in the Haihe River Valley, the upper Liuhe River in the Liaohe River Valley , Gezhouba
reservoir area and Xingup County of Jiangxi Province ip the Yangtze River Valley . The key harnessment
areas totalled 80000km2, among which 63000km2 subjected to soil loss, involved 43 counties in 15 prefectures of 9 provinces. 81 % pf the counties are backward and impoverished. After 10 years of arduous work, the first turn works had been successfully completed and passed the state check and acceptance, reaching expected aim. During the past 10 years, soil loss in an area of 20000km2 had been comprehensively .harnessed. Total work-days were 300 million, total investment amounted to 1. 197 billion yuan. The State Finance Ministry decided to continually support the key harnessment work. In the second turn of key harnessment work,small adjustments have been made, Gezhouba reservoir area was replaced by the middle Dalinghe River, Xingup County replaced by Gongshui River Valley.The second turn of key harnessment work involved
47 counties , 4 more than that of the first turn.
Soil and Water Conservation in China
soil conservation key harnessment benefit of harnessment