
辣椒雄性不育系选育及遗传研究 被引量:41

Studies on the Breeding and Inheritance of Male Sterile Lines of Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)
摘要 用1986年在8633辣椒株系中发现的雄不育株,进行测交、连续回交和父本株自交,育成了灯笼椒、羊角椒、线辣椒等不同类型的雄性不育系和相应的保持系,并筛选出恢复系。在测交过程中,发现不同品种对雄性不育的保持能力有明显差异。不育系的花明显小于保持系,不育系花药瘦小、干瘪,花粉粒无或极少,碘化反应不着色或着色极浅。扫描电镜观察表明不育系花药、花粉粒形态和表面结构异常。雄性不育属核质互作型,细胞核中有一对隐性基因控制雄不育性。雄性不育系基因型为 Smsms,保持系的基因型为 Nmsms。 Several male sterile lines and maintainable of linear pepper,sheep-horn pepper,bell pepper etc.were developed and recurrent;lines selected by means of test croos,successive backcross,and paternal plant self-cross of the male sterile pepper(Capsicum annum L.)discovered in 1986.However,the plant ability to maintain the male sterility varied among different varieties in the process of the test cross.The flower parts of the male sterile lines were significently smaller than those of the maintainble lines.The an- thers of the sterile lines were small,dry and shrivelled in comparison with the maintainable lines and had few pollen grains or no grain at all,which were not stained after reaction with iodine solution or extremely light blue color slighly appeared.Investigation underscanning electron microscope revealed abnormal mor- phology and surface structure of the anther and the pollen grains obtained from the male sterile lines.The male sterility of pepper is controlled by the genic interaction from both cytoplasmic and nuclear genes.A single recessive gene ms in the nucleus controls the expression of male sterility,and the genotype of the male sterile lines is Smsms and the maintainable lines is Nmsms.
出处 《北京农业大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第1期25-30,共6页
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 辣椒 雄性不育系 遗传 pepper Capsicum annuum L. male sterile lines genetics
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  • 1吴鹤明,江苏农业学报,1988年,4卷,2期,25页
  • 2徐毅,湖南农业科学,1985年,5期,22页
  • 3杨世周,中国蔬菜,1984年,3期,9页
  • 4杨世周,北京农业大学学报,1981年,8卷,3期,49页




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