Correlative clinicopathological
and flow cytometric study was made on 54 GCTs and 24 osteosar-comas.
Among the 17 recurrent GCTs,eight had DI(DNA Index) value over 1.10
(Superdiploid);mean DI value was 1.07±0.13;and mean S,G2/M stage
cell acounfed for about 20.78%。 In 37 prim-。ary speclmens,only 5
had DI value over 1.10; mean DI value was 0. 97±0. 12;and mean
S.G2/M stage cell acounted for l7.14%, The difference of DNA content
between the primary and recurrenttumors was staisrically significant.
In 24 osteosarcomas, 16 case(66.7%)were superdipiploid, 6 diplo-id,
and 2 subdiploid.The mean DI value was 1.22±0.27; mean s、G2/M stage
cell was 26.59±12.4。It was shown that there were frank differences
between GCT and osteosarcoma in DNA analysis TheDNA content in
osreosarcoma is much higher than that in GCT and the percentage of S,
G2/M stagecell in osteosarcoma was also higher.The results indicated
that DNA content and cell cycle analysiscan reflect the degree of
malignancy of tumors.
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences)